Monday, April 18, 2011

Key SEO Strategy for Facebook Business Page

Facebook boasts 500 million active users with 50% of those active users logging on everyday. Facebook users spend an average of 700 billion minutes per month on this very active and social platform. Hence, it is important to not only incorporate a Facebook fan page for your business, but also to optimize it for search engines.

Many savvy businesses are leveraging these statistics to reach more potential clients by getting in front of more eyeballs, many are just joining the game. If this is you, don't fret, this blog post is for you.

How about the deal with the "Page" URLs? Some have numbers, some don't. A lot of people have this issue, and are confused about it." In June 2009 Facebook launched the ability to choose a vanity URL for your facebook fan pages, making this feature one of the most important SEO opportunities on this social media platform. So how do you proceed in optimizing your facebook business page?

First thing is to ensure that you are an admin on this business fan page. If you created the fan page you are automatically an admin. To add admins to a page you must:

* Login with the Page Login
* Click on Edit Page
* On the left sidebar, about halfway down, is an option to "Manage Admins" - In the dialogue box, choose the option to "Add another Admin" and enter their email address.

As an admin, everything you post on that page will show as the business page profile, not your personal profile. Once an admin, you can optimize you Facebook business fan page. To customize a FB page URL:

* Go to username
* From the dropdown menu, select your business page. (You can also customize the URL for your personal page here.)
* Type the name you want.
* Remember, you cannot undo this URL assignment once complete.

Remeber, facebook fan pages are intended to be an authentic representation of your business or brand. Pick a name that you will be confident and content with.

P.S. Facebook requires that your fan page have at least 25 fans before it becomes eligible to select a username. If you have less than 25 fans you will need to recruit more fans in order to take advantage of this incredible SEO feature.

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